I am a researcher in Sport and Exercise Psychology Physical Activity in Children
based in Iran
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Sport psychology / Self-Talk in Sport / Imagery/ Motor Development/
Sport psychology / Self-Talk in Sport / Imagery/ Motor Development/
In 2001, I graduated from Qom University with a bachelor's degree in physical education and sports science.
In 2005, I presented my master's thesis entitled: “The effect of observational practice on learning badminton long serve skill with an emphasis on the mediating role of physical self-efficacy” and I obtained a master's degree in physical education and sports science.
My dissertation entitled: The effect of instructional and motivational self-talk on motor performance in adolescent and adult basketball players .
In my master's degree in general psychology in 2014, I researched the self-talk frequency and its effect on sports performance, and I graduated in the same year.
I started my academic career at the Azad University in 2006 and I am currently teaching, researching and supervising students.
My research program over the past decade has focused on sports psychology related to athletes and non-athletes and the study and research in various fields of sports psychology.
Being an Artist, researcher and teacher have a special place in my life. Dealing with different arts can have a beneficial effect on people's lives spiritually. Not all human beings need to become artists. As soon as they are in touch with art, it is enough to see the role of art in people's lives.
Every human being seeks comfort in one way or another, one finds it in what he or she enjoys, the other in exercise, and everyone seeks it somehow.
In 2005, I presented my master's thesis entitled: “The effect of observational practice on learning badminton long serve skill with an emphasis on the mediating role of physical self-efficacy” and I obtained a master's degree in physical education and sports science.
My dissertation entitled: The effect of instructional and motivational self-talk on motor performance in adolescent and adult basketball players .
In my master's degree in general psychology in 2014, I researched the self-talk frequency and its effect on sports performance, and I graduated in the same year.
I started my academic career at the Azad University in 2006 and I am currently teaching, researching and supervising students.
My research program over the past decade has focused on sports psychology related to athletes and non-athletes and the study and research in various fields of sports psychology.
Being an Artist, researcher and teacher have a special place in my life. Dealing with different arts can have a beneficial effect on people's lives spiritually. Not all human beings need to become artists. As soon as they are in touch with art, it is enough to see the role of art in people's lives.
Every human being seeks comfort in one way or another, one finds it in what he or she enjoys, the other in exercise, and everyone seeks it somehow.
- Dana, A., Ranjbari, S., Chaharbaghi, Z., Ghorbani, S. Association between Physical Activity and Motor Proficiency among Primary School Children. International Journal of School Health, 2023; 10(3): 2-9.
- Sahaf R, Rassafiani M, Shamsipour Dehkordi P, Shams A, Dana A. Effect of Sleep and Consciousness on Consolidation of Implicit motor memory among Youth, Middle-aged and Elderly. Koomesh, 2023; 25 (1); 38-47 (Persian)
- Dezhban Afshord, H. & Dana, A. Effect of Self-Talk and Different Grammatical Forms on the Performance of Force-Production Task. Sport Psychology Studies (ie, mutaleat ravanshenasi varzeshi), 2022; 11(41): 25-42. (Persian)
- Rafiee, S., Dana, A., Fallah, Z. Effect of Grit on Exercise Self-Efficacy and Participatory Performance in Elite Athletes. Sport Psychology Studies (ie, mutaleat ravanshenasi varzeshi), 2022; 11(39): 1-22. (Persian)
- Baniasadi, T., Ranjbari, S., Abedini, A., Dana, A., Ghorbani, S. Investigation the Association of Internet Addiction with Mental Health and Physical Activity in Teenage Girls: The Mediating Role of Parental Attitude. Women’s Health Bulletin, 2022; 9(4): 243-250. (Persian)
- Dana, A., Charbaghi, Z., & Molla Norozy, K. (2022). Modeling the effect of mental health on the procrastination of physical education teachers with the mediating role of self-efficacy. Karafan Quarterly Scientific Journal, (in press) (Persian)
- Alizadeh, S., Janani, H., Najafzadeh, Mr., Bargimoghadam, J., Dana, A. (2023). Development and Psychometrics Factors Affecting Sports Poverty Scale. figshare. Journal contribution.
- Janamoo B, E., Shams, A., & Dana, A. (2023). Psychometrics of the Persian version of the Sports Mental Exercise Questionnaire. Sports Psychology, 1402(1), 20-1. (Persian)
- Dana, A., Ranjbari, S., Mosazadeh, H., Maliszewski, WJ., & Błachnio, A. Correlations of Accelerometer-Measured Physical Activity with Body Image and Quality of Life among Young and Older Adults: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(22):14970
- Baniasadi, T., Ranjbari, S., Khajehaflaton, S., Neshati, A., Dana, A. Effects of Physical Activity on Adiposity in Children: Mediating Role of Self-Esteem and Body-Image. International Journal of Pediatrics, 2022; 10(12): 17172-17181.
- Baniasadi, T., Ranjbari, Sh., Khajeaflaton Mofrad, S., & Dana, A. Associations between device-measured physical activity and balance performance in children: Mediating role of motor self-efficacy, Biomedical Human Kinetics. 2022; 14(1): 252-258.
- Dana, A., Golzadeh, F., Ranjbari, S., & Abdi, K. The relationship between social responsibility and environmental protection behaviors with the mediating role of cultural capital in student-athletes. Journal pf Geographic Space. 2022; 22 (79) :211-228.
- Dana, A., Abdi, K., Salehian, MH., Mokaei Saei, S. Psychosocial Distress among Teenage Girls within the Coronavirus Outbreak: The Role of Physical Activity and Sedentary Time. Women’s Health Bulletin, 2022, 9 (3): 2-7. (Persian)
- Dana, A., Alipour Shahir, V., Ghorbani, S. The impact of Mindfulness and Mental Skills Protocols on Athletes’ Competitive Anxiety. Biomedical Human Kinetics, 2022, 14: 135-142.
- Biabani, P., Dana, A. The Effect of Motivational and Educational Self-Talk on the Dart Throwing Performance with Different Difficulties. Journal of sports and Motor development and learning, 2022; 14(1): 37-51. (Persian)
- Dana, A., Baniasadi, T., Salehian., MH., Sarvari., S. Effects of Enhanced Expectancies and Autonomy Support on Learning Medical Motor Skills. Annals of Military and Health Sciences Research, 2022, 20 (1): e120109. (Persian)
- Charbaghi, Z., Beigom Hosseini, F., Baniasadi, T., Moradi, L., Dana, A. Impact of Physical Activity on Resilience among Teenage Girls during the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Mediation by Self-Esteem. Women’s Health Bulletin, 2022, 9 (2): 2-7. (Persian)
- Dana, A., Rezaei, R. The effectiveness of balance training on static balance and selective attention of children with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry. 2022; 9 (1): 151-163 (Persian)
- Seyedi, M., Mohammadi, F., Dana, A., Esmaeili, S. A Comparison Between Sports Motivation and Social Physique Anxiety between Blind and Visually Impaired Elite Athletes in Individual and Team Sports. International Journal of Motor Control and Learning, 2022, 4 (2): 26-30.
- Salehian, M., Dana, A., Neshati, A., HemayatTalab, A., Mokari Saei, S. Association between Teaching Style in Online Physical Education with Needs Satisfaction, Motivation, Enjoyment, and Intention Physical Activity in Adolescent Students. Int. J. School. Health, 2022, 9 (1), (Persian)
- Dana, A., Moradi, J., Salehian, M., Shayan Matin, P. The Effects of External and Internal Focus of Attention on Learning a Static Balance Skill in Children with Mild Mental Retardation. Int J Pediatr, 2022, 10 (2): 15474-15481
- Dana, A., Christodoulides, E., Baniasadi, T., & Ghorbani, S. (2022). Effects of Family-Related Activities on Adolescent Smoking in the United States: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Pediatrics, 10(3), 15535-15546.
- Dana, A., Christodoulides, E., Baniasadi, T., Ghorbani, S. Family activities and adolescent Smoking in the United States: Evidence from a longitudinal study. Int J Pediatr, 2022, 10 (3): 15535-15546.
- Dana, A., Salehian, M., Hemayat Talab, A., Sarvari, S. The Effect of Observing a PointLight Display on Learning Static Balancing in Children with Mild Mental Retardation and Healthy Children. Int J Pediatr. 2022: 10 (1): 15323-15330.
- Dana, A., Nodeh, H., Salehian, M.H., Mokari Saei, S., Sarvi, S. Smartphone Usage Status, Sleep Pattern, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Physical Activity among Adolescents from before to during the COVID-19 Confinement: a Cross-Sectional Study. Int. J. School. Health, 2022, 9 (1): 2-10. (Persian)
- Ghavami, A., Samadi, H., Dana, A., Ghorbani, S. Effects of observing real, animated and combined model on learning cognitive and motor levels of basketball jump shot in children. Biomedical Human Kinetics, 2022, 14 (1): 54-60.
- Dana, A., Salehian, M. H., Hemayat Talab, A., & Sarvari, S. (2022). The Effect of Observing a Point-Light Display on Learning Static Balancing in Children with Mild Mental Retardation and Healthy Children. International Journal of Pediatrics, 10(1), 15323-15330
- Dana, A., Shams, A., Allafan, N., Bahrami, A. The relationship between attention and static balance disturbance in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Neurological Sciences, 2021, 42: 5107-5115.
- Jalilvand, M., Samadi, H., Dana, A. Effectiveness of Physical Activity Course on Preschool Children’s Working Memory: Emphasizing Environmental Change. Scientific Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2022, 10 (5): 936-947.
- Ghorbani, S., Afshari, M., Eckelt, M., Dana, A., Bund, A. Associations between Physical Activity and Mental Health in Iranian Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Accelerometer-Based Study. Children. 2021, 8 (11): 1022.
- Safania, A., M., Nikbakhsh, R., Dana, A. Biological experience of the psychological effects of political doping in Iranian professional football. Sport Psychology Studies, 2021; (in press) (Persian)
- Dana, A., Ranjbari, S., Salehian, M.H., Shayan Matin, P. . Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Mental Health of High-School Students during COVID-19 Pandemic.pdf> Int. J. School. Health, 2021, 8(4): 201-208. (Persian)
- Mosazadeh, H., Rezaei, Z., Dana, A. Effects of low, medium and high intensity walking on sleep quality and psychological well-being of the elderly women with cognitive impaired. TRENDS in Sport Sciences, 2021, 28(4): 281-289.
- Dana, A., Salehian, M.H. The effect of indigenous games on depression in children. Journal of Psychopatology, 2021: 1(4): 200-203.
- Rahimi, A., Ghorbani, S., Dana, A. Designing a model for the development of physical education in police organization. quarterly journal of training in police sciences. 2021, 9(33): 85-116. (Persian)
- Dana, A., Rezaei, R., Shams, A. The effects of active game intervention and Exergies on the executive function of high-functioning Autistic children. Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry, 2021, 8 (5): 113-125. (Persian)
- Alizadeh, S., Janani, H., Najafzadeh, M R., Barghi Moghadam, J., & Dana, A. Identifying the Effective Factors on Participation in Public Sports in West Azerbaijan Province. Research in Sport Management and Marketing, Summer 2021:2 (3).
- Bagheri, E., Dana, A. The Effect of Mindfulness Protocol on Anxiety, Self-Efficacy and Performance of Athletes. Sport Psychology Studies, 2021, 14, 23-44.
- Dana, A., Sabzi, AH., Ghorbani, S., Ghiami Rad, A. The effect of diurnal rhythms on static and dynamic balance performance. Biomedical Human Kinetics, 2021, 13, 205–211.
- Dana, A., Ghorbani, S., Fathizadan, A. Teachers and students view on the use of educational technology in physical education. Technology of Education Journal (TEJ), 2021; 15(4): 793-800. (Persian)
- Dana, A., Salehian, MA., Baniasadi, T., Ghanati, Parinaz. The Relationship between Motor Self-Motivation and Symptoms of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity in Adhd Children. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2021,15 (6), 16666-1668.
- Dana, A., Salehian, MA., Baniasadi, T., Ghanati, Parinaz. The impact of imagery on the performance and cognitive ability in the elderly. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 2021,15 (6), 1654-1657.
- Dana, A., Khajeaflaton, S., salehian, MH., Sarvari., S. Effects of an Intervention in Online Physical Education Classes on Motivation, Intention, and Physical Activity of Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic.pdf> International Journal of School Health, 2021, 8 (3): 141-149.
- Dana, A., Ghorbani, S., Fathizadan, A. Teachers and students views on the use of educational technology in physical education. Technology of Education, 2021: 15(4): 793-800 (Persian).
- Sabzi, AH., Dana, A. , Salehian, MH., Shaygan Yekta, H. The Effect of Water Treadmill Exercise on Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder .pdf>International Journal of Pediatrics, 2021; 9 (6), 13671-13681.
- Sabzi, AH., Dana, A., Daman Pak, S. The Effects of Vestibular Exercises on the Balance Performance of the Inactive Elderly. Journal of Community Health, 2021, 15 (1), 1-9.
- Dana, A., Shams, A., The Effectiveness of the TGFU and SDT Approach on Motor development and achievement Motivation in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Sport Psychology, 2021, 5(2), 71-85.
- Seyyedrezaei, SH., Khajeaflaton, S., Ghorbani, S., Dana, A. Relative Age Effects on Children’s Handwriting: Role of VisualMotor Integration. International Journal of Pediatrics, 2021; 9 (1) 88: 12775-12783.
- Ghorbani, S., Ghanati, P., Dana, A., Salehian, M. H. The Effects of Autonomy Support on Observational Motor Learning. Iranian Journal of Learning & Memory, 2020; 3(11): 77-87.
- Gozalzadeh, E., Dana, A., Afshar, M .Identification of Factors Affecting the Growth of Knowledge Based Companies in Sport. Sport Physiology and Managemet Investigations, 2020; 12 (1): 151-159.
- Dana, A., Efstathios Christodoulides. Effects of a period of Selected Physical Activities on Improving the Skills of manipulation and locomotion in Children with neuropsychological learning disabilities. Journal of rehabilitation Science Research, 2020; 7 (1): 25-30.
- Dana, A., Efstathios Christodoulides. The Effects of a Period of Selected Physical Activity on Improving Manipulative and Locomotors Skills of Children with Neuropsychological Learning Disabilities.pdf> Journal of rehabilitation Science Research, 2020; 7 (1): 25-30.
- Dana, A., Shams, A., The Efficacy of Brain cognitive Rehabilitation interventions on executive functions in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Neuropsychology, 2020; 3 (18): 131-140.
- Soltani N., Ghiamirad, A., Dana, A., The relationship between personality traits and resiliency with the success of sport with the mediation of mindfulness. New Psychological Research, 2020; 14 (55): 99-120.
- Fazelinia, Z., Dana, A. Comparison of the Effect of Perceptual-Motor and Resistance-Balancing Practices On Behavioral Disorders in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Motor Behavior, 2020, 12 (40): 68-86. (Persian).
- Saeed Ghorbani, Dana, A., Efstathios Christodoulides, Effects of external focus of attention on learning static balance among girls with ADHD.pdf>Biomedical Human Kinetics, 2020; 12, 69-74.
- Moradi, J., Bahrami, A., Dana, A. Motivation for Participation in Sports Based on Athletes in Team and Individual Sports .pdf>Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, 2020; 85 (1): 14-21.
- Dana, A,. Rahimizadeh, F. The Relationship of Positive and Negative Perfectionism with Burnout in Martial Arts Athletes. Journal of Sport Management and Motor Behavior, 2019; 15 (29): 39-61.
- Tamannaei, M., Fazeli, M., Chamani F., Dana, A., & Mansourianfar, H. Transit Signal Priority: Proposing a Novel Algorithm to Decrease Delay and Environmental Impacts in BRT Route Intersections. International Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2019; 7(2): 153-169.
- Dana, A., Rafiee, S., Gholami, A. Motor reaction time and accuracy in patients with multiple sclerosis: effects of an active computerized training program.pdf> Neurological Sciences, 2019; 40 (5): 1-6 (Springer, IF: 2.28)
- Dana, A., Eshgarf, S., Bagheri, S. The Effect of Manipulating Attentional Focus on Performance of Top-Spine Strike of Skilled and Novice Table Tennis Players Under High Psychological Pressure. Motor Behavior, 2019; 11(36): 67-88. (Persian)
- E Jabbari, Z Charbaghi, A Dana. Investigating the Effects of Educational and Motivational Education at Different Levels on the Performance and Application of dart throwing, Journal of Humanities Insights, 2019, 3(2): 37-44.
- Dana, A., Rafiee, S., Gozalzadeh, E., Shamsy, M. Structural Model of Identity Styles, Identity Commitment and Adherence to Prayer among Young Athletes. Research on Educational Sport, 2019; 7(16): 85-106.
- Dana, A., Soltani , N., Fathizadan, A. The Effectiveness of Communication Skills Training on the Resilience and Exercise Self-Efficacy of Adolescent Athletes, Sport Psychology Studies, 2019; 7 (26): 91-106 (Persian)
- Dana, A., Rafiee, S., Gholami, A. The effect of Neurofeedback Training on Working Memory and Perceptual-Motor Development in Athlete Boys, Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences and Research, 2019; 6 (1): 34-40 (Persian)
- Dana, A., Fallah, Z., Moradi, J. The Effect of Cognitive and Aerobic Training on Cognitive and Motor Function, and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factors in Elderly Men, Journal of Development and Motor Learning, 2019; 10 (4): 537-552 (Persian)
- Samadi, H., Jahandideh, A. A., & Dana, A. Effect of One Session of Specific-Futsal Intermittent Endurance Test on Cognitive Function of Beginner Futsal Players. The Scientific Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2019; 8(3), 9-18. (Persian)
- Dana, A., Narges, S., Fathizadan, A, Rafiee, S. Effectiveness Of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy On Cognitive Abilities And Resilience of Blind Athletes. Sports Psychology Studies, 2019; 8 (27): 143-156 (Persian).
- Dana, A., Sabzi, A H., Christodoulides, E. The effect of virtual reality exercises on dynamic balance of children with developmental coordination disorder, Journal of Humanities Insights, 2019; 3(3): 123-128.(Persian).
- Dana, A. Comparing the Effects of Physical, Cognitive and Combined Rehabilitation on the Improvement of Working Memory and Cognitive Flexibility of the Elderlyy. Iranian Journal of Learning & Memory, 2019; 2(5): 67-77. (Persian).
- Dana, A., Eshgarf, S., Bagheri, S. The effect of manipulating of attentional focus on performance of top- spine strike of skilled and novice table tennis players under high psychological pressure. Motor Behavior, 2019: 11 (36): 67-88 (Persian).
- Dana, A., & Rafiee, S. (2019). Investigating Differences of the Movement Variability and Movement Smoothness in Reaching and Grasping Task in Children and Adults. Journal of Sports and Motor Development and Learning, 11(2), 215-230. (Persian).
- Rafiee, S., Dana, A. The effect of observing different information on learning the basketball jump shot.pdf>, Acta Gymnica, 2019, 164-173
- Farzanegi, P., Dana, A. Zeynab Ebrahimpoor, Mahdieh Asadi & Mohammad Ali Azarbayjani, Mechanisms of beneficial effects of exercise training on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): Roles of oxidative stress and inflammation.pdf> , European journal of sport science, 2019, 994-1003
- Saeed, G., Dana, A. Comparing the Acquisition of Internal Motor Representation by Observing a Point-Light Display between Children with Mild Intellectual Disability and Normal Children Based on Task Complexity Level. Journal of Exceptional Children, 2019; 19 (2): 89-100 (Persian).
- Dana, A., the effect of instructional and motivational self-talk on motor performance in basketball. Journal of Sport Management and Motor Behavior, 2018; 14(27): 167-176 (Persian)
- Dana, A., Rafiee, S., Sabzi, Ah. Explaining of Correlational Model of Spiritual Health with Professional Ethics in Sport Coaches, Reserach on Educational Sport, 2018; 6(14): 195-216. (Persian)
- Dana, A., Shojaei V., Ghorbani, S. The Relationship of Grit with Mental Toughness and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) of Elite Athletes. Sports Psychology Studies, 2018; 16(64); 567-580. (Persian).
- Omidvar, A., Dana, A., Sabzi, Ah., Pourpanahi Koltapeh, M. The effect of education based on developmental physical education on working memory of elementary school students, Journal of School Psychology, 2018; 7 (1): 219-229 (Persian)
- Dana, A., Rafiee, S., Salehian, M. The Effect of Peripheral Fatigue on Temporal Properties of Mental Imagery among Unskilled and Skilled Swimmers, Sport Psychology Studies, 2018; 7 (23): 179-204 (Persian)
- Dana, A., Rafiee, S., Salehian, M. Chronometry of Mental Imagery among Skilled and Unskilled Swimmers, Sport Psychology Studies, 2018; 6 (22): 15-30 (Persian)
- Dana, A., Rafiee, S., Soltanahmadi, T., Sabzi, Ah. The Effect of Education Based on the Developmental Physical Education on Students’ Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Motor Behavior, 2018; 10 (32):17-34 (Persian)
- Dana, A., Poozesh, R., Fallah, Z. The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive and Metacognitive Abilities among Inactive Elder Men, Journal of Research Behavioral Sciences, 2018; 16 (1): 84-92 (Persian)
- Dana, A., Rahimizadeh F., Gozalzadeh, E., Sima Eshgarf. Antidepressant Effects of Strength, Aerobic, and Combined Exercises among Adult Men, Scientific Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2018; 7 (3): 199-207 (Persian)
- Dana, A., Rafiee, S. The Role of Task Constraints in Learning Football Chip Shot though Observation, Iranian Journal of Learning and Memory, 2018; 1(3): 61-70 (Persian)
- Dana A., Gozalzadeh, E. Internal and external imagery effects on tennis skills among novices.pdf> Perceptual and motor skills, 2017; 124(5): 1022-1043 (Sage Publication, IF=0.8)
- Dana, A., Hamedi, S., Rafiee S., Rahimizadeh, F. The Role of Unconditional Self-Acceptance in Perfectionism and Burnout Relationship among Collegiate Basketball Players. Research of Educational Sport, 2017; 5 (12):189-212 (Persian)
- Dana, A. Effectiveness of Dart Throwing Training through Self-Talk in Male Novices. Instruction and Evaluation, 2017; 9 (36): 93-107 (Persian)
- Imanzadeh, M., Dana, A., Fallah, Z., Sabzi, Ah., Tatari Hasan Gavyar, M. Comparing the Components of Children's Physical Fitness in Relation to the Role of Air Pollution in Tehran, Iran. Anthropogenic Pollution Journal, 2017; 1(1): 34-39 (Persian)
- Dana, A., Sabzi, Ah., Gozalzadeh, E. the Effect of Sport-Scheduling Type on Social and Adaptive Functioning in High School GirLS. Sport Management Studies, 2017; 9 (42):73-90 (Persian)
- Dana, A., Sabzi, Ah., Gozalzadeh E. The Structural Relationships of Coaching Efficacy, Players' Self-Efficacy, and Collective Efficacy in Female Professional Basketball Teams. Sport Psychology Studies, 2017; 18 (5) :111-128 (Persian)
- Dana, A., Morado, J., Rafiee, S. The Effect of the Frequency of Instructional and Motivational Self-Talk on Performance of Dart Throwing Skill. Sport Psychology Studies. 2016; 5(17): 71-82 (Persian)
- Niknezhad, Mr., Ghorbanzadeh Zafarani, Sg., Dana, A. Sociologic Explanation of Sport Participation and National Confidence. The Social Sciences, 2016; 11 (9): 2123-2128.
- Kardel, M., Rezaeishirazi, R., Dana, A., Classifying followers of Gorgan Municipality's basketball club based on demographic and geographic variables. Research Journal of Sport Sciences, 2015; 3 (1): 8-14 (Persian)
- Dana, A., Sadeghi, B., Aghdasi, M T. The Interactive Effects of Spectators with Internal and External Focus of Attention on Acquisition and Recalling of Fine Skill, Research Journal of Sport Sciences. 2015; 3(4): 83-88.
- Kardel, M., Rezaeishirazi, R., Dana, A. Classifying Followers of Gorgan Municipality’s Basketball Club based on Demographic and Geographic Variables. Research Journal of Sport Sciences, 2015; 3 (1): 8-14.
- Zeytonli, AH., Madadi, B., Dana, A. The customer-based Brand equity for sport tourism destinations. Research Journal of Sport Sciences, 2015; 3 (1): 1-7.
- Sarkhanlou, B., Aghdasi, Mt., Dana, A. The interactive effect of spectaculars with the internal and external focus of attention on the acquisition and transferring of gross skill. Research Journal of Sport Sciences, 2015; (4) 83-88.
- Dana, A., Eskandarnejad, M., Mobayen, F. Improve Working Memory after 12 Sessions of Basketball Training in ADHD Children, International Journal of Sport Studies, 2015; 5(9): 1049-1053.
- Eskandarnejad, M., Mobayen, F., Dana, A. The effect of basketball training on ADHD children's learning skills. Research Journal of Sport Sciences, 2015; 3(6): 163-167.
- Bai, N., Niazi, SM., Dana, A. Lifestyle of the elite national karate-ka (karate practitioner) and its effect on controlling the pre-competition stress. European Journal of Experimental Biology. 2014; 4(1): 145-148.
- Sedighi, Z., Zamanian, F., Forouzande, E., Zameni, L., Keshavarz, S., & Dana A. Cultural and Spiritual Aspects of Forgiveness, nternational Journal of Basic Sciences & Applied Research. 2014; 3: 10-13.
- Dana, A., Mardaneh Taleshmekaiel, H., Janani, H. Effects of in Service Educational Courses (General-Professional) on Physical Education Teachers’ Abilities in Ardabil Province, International Journal of Basic Sciences & Applied Research. 2014; 3(11): 818-824.
- Mardaneh Taleshmekaiel, H., Janani, H., Dana, A. Effects of Professional Scientific Competitions on Physical Education Teachers’ Abilities in Ardabil Province, International Research Journal of Management Science. 2014; 2 (10): 294-300.
- Balajade, MH., Dana, A. The relationship between service quality and loyalty of sports customer. Research Journal of Sport Sciences, 2014; 2(2): 55-59.
- Niazi, SM., Dana, A., Bai, N. Comparing Motivations, Priorities and Viewpoints toward the Health of Individuals Participating in Public Sports & Championships. Advances in Environmental Biology, 2013; 7(13): 4107-4112.
- Dana, A., Bai, N., Nazi, SM. Sports Motivation in Three-Athlon Champions, Research Journal of Sport Sciences. 2013; 1(1): 6-9.
- Hamed, S., Dana, A., Shojaei, V. Attitude measurement toward neuromarketing in sports, Journal of Psychology Behavioral Studies. 2013; 1(1): 18-25.
- Dana, A., Sabzi, A, The Relationship between Religiosity and Athletic Aggression in Professional Athletes, Uct Journal of Social Sciences and, Humanities Research. 2013; 1(4): 1–3.
- Bai, N., Niazi, SM., Dana, A. A Comparison between the Mental and Physical Health Factors of Active and Inactive Elderlies, Research Journal of Sport Sciences. 2013; 1(1): 1-5.
- Ahmadi, P., Bahari, SM., Azizimasouleh, M., Dana, A. Process of Developmental Changes in Height and Weight of Girls Under 6 Years Old in Villages of Gorgan City During 1998 to 2012. Advances in Environmental Biology, 2013; 7(13): 4066-4070.
- Bai, N., Dana, A. The relationship between coaching behaviors and athletes’ burnout in Golestan province futsal super league players.pdf> European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2013; 3(6): 111-114.
- Fallah, Z., Janani, H., Dana, A., Fallah, E. Comparative study of leadership styles among Iranian super-leagues coaches. Archives of Applied Science Research, 2012; 4(1): 570-576.
- Afsanepurak, SA., Bahram, A., Dana, A., Abdi, Jamal. The Effect of Self-talk and Mental Imagery on Self-efficacy in Throwing Darts in Adolescents.pdf. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, 2012: 3(3): 594-600.
- Hossini, F., Rezaeeshrazi, R., Salehian, MH., Dana, A. ‘The effect of violent and non-violent computer games on changes in salivary cortisol concentration in male adolescents, Annals of Biological Research. 2011; 2(6): 175-178.
- Rezaee Shirazi, R., Dana, A., Jalili, F., Behzadi, F. Comparison of Mental Imagination Skill of Male and Female Athletes of Individual and Team Athletic Fields. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2011: 5(8): 316-319.
- Dana, A., Rezaee Shirazi, R., Jalili, F., Zamanian, F. The Effect of Instruction and Motivational Self Talk on Performance and Retention of Discrete and Continuous Motor Tasks. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2011: 5(8): 312-315.
- Dana, A., Habibi, Z., Asgari, F., Hashemi, M. Description of Gross and Fine Motor Skills for 9 and 10 Years Old Children of Golestan Province and Comparison to Each Other. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 2011: 8(2): 401-406.
- Dana, A., Habibi, Z., Hashemi, M., Asghari, A. -A Description and Comparison of Anthropometrical and Physical Fitness Characteristics in Urban and Rural 7-11 Years Old Boys and Girls in Golestan Province, Iran, Iran. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 2011: 8(1): 231-236.
- Dana, A., Jalili, F., Fathizadan, A., Zivdar, Z. The Effect of a Period of Feedback Training on Learning Shooting Skill among Inexperienced Shooters. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2011: 5(10): 881-884.
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